


Aren't we all sick of overfilling our brows every single day? We've all done it: spent a lot of time filling in our brows with creams and pencils only to have them slide off our faces a few hours later. Microblading, a semi-permanent form of brow tattooing, is an option if you wish to put an end to this problem. But don't let the thought of microblading scare you away from giving it a shot.

M A K E   Y O U R   A P P O I N T M E N T   W I T H   O U R   S P E C I A L I S T


Microblading needs the use of small equipment with teeny, tiny needles rather than a typical tattoo gun. Doctors perform various procedures for this. These needles are used to draw intricate hair strokes by hand while simultaneously depositing pigment beneath the epidermis.

Because the hairlike strokes aren't as firmly buried into the skin, microblading is a type of semi-permanent tattooing. Microblading pigment is also distinct from tattoo pigment in that it is metabolised by your body and eventually fades away. Furthermore, the dye particles in microblading ink are less concentrated, giving your brows a softer, more natural appearance.


Microblading can last anywhere between one and three years, based on your tone of skin (oiler skin types tend to fade the fastest). After four weeks, clients should return for a touch-up and ensure that they are satisfied with the final result. You won't need another touch-up for at least a year after the first four weeks.Because the hairlike strokes aren't as firmly buried into the skin, microblading is a type of semi-permanent tattooing. Microblading pigment is also distinct from tattoo pigment in that it is metabolised by your body and eventually fades away. Furthermore, the dye particles in microblading ink are less concentrated, giving your brows a softer, more natural appearance.

Results and Cost

Microblading is used to fill in thin brows in a natural-looking way. The effects can continue anywhere from one to two years, and in some cases even longer. The quality of the brows will be determined by the quality of the job, highlighting the importance of hiring a certified and experienced esthetician.

Depending on the location and artist expertise, the treatment cost may vary. Although lower-cost choices may be accessible, it is critical to avoid untrained technicians.

After the skin has healed, a person can apply sunscreen to the micro bladed region to protect their brows and help keep the colour from fading. Some people may require a touch-up 4-8 weeks following the treatment to complete their brows. Touch-ups can be done after that, usually after a year or as suggested by the esthetician.

A lot of people choose microblading, but it is important to get it done by an expert doctor. And, for that, you need to find the right cosmetic clinic. If you are also looking for a good cosmetic clinic, you can contact Relooking Cosmetic clinic. We use organic and imported inks in our procedures. Moreover, we are well-versed with semi-permanent makeup techniques as well. So, get your appointment for microblading right away.

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